Medical Malpractice Lawyer | Gaithersburg, Maryland

Gaithersburg, MD Medical Malpractice Attorneys

You trust doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals to provide competent medical care, ensuring that you are healthy and healing you when you are not. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Medical malpractice occurs far more often than many people think, and it can alter the patient’s life forever. If you have been the victim of medical malpractice, it is important to seek legal representation from a trusted Gaithersburg medical malpractice law firm like Peter Angelos Law so you can successfully pursue compensation for your damages. 

Types of Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice occurs when a medical professional acts in some way to cause an unnecessary injury to a patient.  In some cases, the individual acts negligently or fails to act as an individual with similar training would in the same situation. Other times, a medical professional acts with the intention to harm. No matter the cause, patients may pursue medical malpractice claims for many types of medical injuries.

Birth Injuries

The birth of a new child should be a joyful occasion, but there are situations in which medical malpractice causes injuries to the newborn child, the laboring mother, or both. Some common types of birth injuries include: 

  • Cerebral palsy
  • Shoulder dystocia
  • Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy 
  • Fractures or broken bones
  • Erbs palsy
  • Bruising, suction, or forceps injuries
  • Hemorrhage in the mother

These are just a few examples of birth injuries, though there are many more injuries that can occur during the birthing process. In relatively few cases, these injuries are inevitable. In most, however, the medical team either caused the injuries or failed to prevent them. If the latter is true, you likely have a medical malpractice case and should hire a Gaithersburg, Maryland birth injury lawyer.

Misdiagnosis or Failure To Diagnose

Not all cases of misdiagnosis are considered medical malpractice. However, if the misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose results in unnecessary treatment, incorrect treatment, or a lack of treatment that causes the patient’s condition to worsen, a medical malpractice case may be justified. Contact a misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose lawyer to learn more.

Medication Errors

Doctors are obligated to ensure that medications are safe for their patients to take. This means prescribing the correct dose, checking that any new prescriptions do not interfere or cause harmful interactions with existing drugs or patient allergies, and ensuring that the prescribed medication is useful for the patient. If a doctor prescribes a wrong medication, a harmful dosage, or an ineffective dosage that causes you harm, you may pursue a medical malpractice claim. 

Surgical Errors

There are certain risks associated with any surgery. However, mistakes that occur during surgery and cause the patient undue harm, as well as physical and financial damages, are likely medical malpractice. Some examples include: 

  • Operating on the wrong patient
  • Operating on the wrong body part
  • Anesthesia or medication mistakes during the procedure
  • Failure to address the medical issue
  • Leaving tools or items inside the body

If one of the above surgical errors has happened to you and is causing you harm, it is crucial to call your Gaithersburg, Maryland surgical error attorney right away. 

Lack of Informed Consent 

Medical professionals have a legal and ethical obligation to disclose potential risks associated with any medical procedure to their patients. This process, known as informed consent, allows each patient to make informed decisions about their own health with the most accurate information possible. Failure to do so may result in a medical malpractice claim. However, the following must be true: 

  • Any other medical professional with similar experience and education would have disclosed the missing information to you.
  • The missing information would have changed your mind about the procedure.

If both of these are applicable, you may be able to pursue compensation for the damages associated with your injuries.

Do I Need a Gaithersburg, Maryland Medical Malpractice Lawyer? 

While it is not legally required that you have an attorney to represent you in a medical malpractice case, it is strongly advised. Navigating the laws surrounding the medical-industrial complex is intimidating, and it is very easy for untrained individuals to overlook key information regarding your case or neglect to properly file the necessary documentation. A medical malpractice attorney can ensure you have the necessary paperwork in place, and can secure expert testimony from expert witnesses to help you build a strong case.

Additionally, medical professionals and hospitals often have teams of malpractice attorneys ready to represent them. They are passionate about protecting their name and their industry, so their attorneys can be fairly ruthless in the courtroom. Those who enter medical malpractice claims without an attorney may settle for reduced compensation, if they achieve a settlement at all. 

How Much Can I Get From a Medical Malpractice Settlement? 

The amount of your settlement will vary depending on the type of malpractice, the severity of the resulting injuries, the cost of resulting medical bills, and other specifics unique to your case. The national average rests around $242,000, but the amount of your settlement may be much higher or much lower depending on your circumstances. Keep in mind that Maryland caps , or limits, non-economic damages like pain and suffering or reduced quality of life at $845,000, though the amount increases yearly. There is no limit on economic damages like current and future medical bills or lost wages. Your Gaithersburg, Maryland medical malpractice attorney can give you a more personalized estimate after an individual consultation. 

Find Your Gaithersburg, MD Medical Malpractice Attorney 

Medical injuries can cause an enormous amount of stress, physical pain, emotional anguish, and financial burden. If you or a loved one experienced medical malpractice, consulting with the medical malpractice attorneys at Peter Angelos Law can help you recover your financial damages while you focus on healing. We have years of experience providing Gaithersburg area residents with comprehensive, compassionate legal representation. Get free answers to your most critical medical malpractice questions—contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help you.