What’s My Case Worth?


What’s My Case Worth?

Many of the victims and families whose lives have been affected by mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases often do not know whether pursuing legal action is possible or worthwhile. Having worked with thousands of victims throughout Maryland, our legal team has met and worked with families from all walks of life. Even if one’s exposure occurred many years ago, we may still be able to pursue a case. Many victims are also still reeling from the emotional impact caused by these diseases, and may feel as though an asbestos exposure claim would provide little solace, closure or compensation.

The fact of the matter is that all victims and families have the right to take legal action. When these claims are successful, the compensation that may be awarded can cover a victim’s medical bills, lost wages or future earnings, as well as other financial, emotional and physical damages. No victim or family should have to bear the financial burden for the damages caused by the conduct and/or defective products of others, and our Maryland mesothelioma lawyers work tirelessly to ensure that you have the best possible chance of obtaining the compensation you need and deserve. As a natural product of our efforts, we can help provide you and your loved ones with a stronger sense of justice.

Determining the Value of Your Claim

Asbestos litigation is the longest, most expensive mass tort in United States history. As many of the diseases associated with asbestos exposure may not manifest for as long as 20 to 50 years or more after initial exposure, these claims are expected to peak in and around the year 2020. The values of each of these claims will always vary on a unique and personal basis, meaning that each person’s damages and compensation will be different. Compensation may range from an award that covers basic expenses associated with the disease to damages that extend into the millions of dollars, depending on the claim. In the most general and basic terms, these claims can allow victims and families to recover compensation for the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income and future earnings
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional damages
  • Funeral expenses

Compensation for each of these categories can vary considerably. Whatever your case may be, you can be confident that our firm uses our extensive experience in asbestos litigation to provide you with the assistance you need to increase your chances of maximizing compensation awards.

Speak Personally with a Mesothelioma Lawyer

We encourage all victims and families in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Washington, D.C. to schedule a free case evaluation to personally discuss your case with a qualified and compassionate mesothelioma attorney from our firm. During your consultation, our attorneys can provide you with detailed information about your unique situation, the potential merits of your claim, and what you can reasonably expect should you choose to pursue legal recourse.

It should also be mentioned that our firm only works mesothelioma cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning our legal team only collects attorney fees if, and when, your case is successful. If you don’t win a recovery, you don’t pay.

Contact Peter Angelos Law today.